Archangel's Lantern

Underground Metal Blog since 2013

2024. július 27., szombat

In Memoriam Kate Szíjártó (07.V.1987-21.I.2010 R.I.P.)

Rock-Ness Dossier 
In Memory of Kate 'Outsider' Szíjártó
 (07.V.1987 - 21.I.2010 R.I.P.)
(I, Georgius asked Her in February, 2009)

When and where did you born? 

- I was on born on the 7-th of May, 1987 in Beregszász (Berehove) Transcarpathia (Ukraine).

As a kid who would you prefer to be?  

- It’s a rather difficult question for me as my wants and needs have been changing almost every single day. At first, as every kid I wanted to follow in my parents’ footsteps, thus I wanted to work in the police department. Luckily, I’ve changed my mind very quickly. I also wanted to become a singer, a scientist, a writer, a doctor, etc.

What has been realized from this?

- Nothing so far as I’m still studying. But I can say I’m a little bit of a singer and a bit of a writer.

my Dearest Sunshine Kate, 22.IX.2009

Your childhood's determinative album-experience?

- It’s hard to say now because my parents were rockers, they fed me with Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin stuff. I don’t remember lullabies, my mom and dad when putting me to bed turned on some of the above things. 

What was the first concert you have seen?

- I guess I’ll avoid mentioning some minor shows but for one, back in 2006 I was at a gig headlined by Castrum. But the first greatest show I saw was Satyricon. 

(Kate (R.I.P.), Cornelius of Castrum and Kat, around 2008)

If you could compile a band without any limitation, who would play there?

- A very exciting question, in fact. If not to pay attention to the style and some other nuances, the perfect band would look like this:
Frost (Satyricon) – drums
Trey Azagthoth (Morbid Angel) – guitar
Ivar Bjørnson (Enslaved) – guitar
Reyash (Vader) – bass
Dead (Mayhem) - vox

What inspiration led you to this path? 

- In my case the fact that I’m a small piece of the Underground movement is taken for granted. The only thing that can explain it is, to my mind, almost 22 years of constant development.

April, 2009, photo was taken by me - GF

Do you have any hobby? 

- Of corpse! First of all, it’s music. For me music embraces not only all branches of metal, I’m also fond of classical music, folk and sometimes some industrial tunes as well. I can’t imagine my life without books, travelling, photography and writing concert reports.

Ultimate albums of all time?

- Well, in my opinion, these are ”Blessed are the Sick” by Morbid Angel, “Necroticism - Descanting The Insalubrious” by Carcass, “Panzerfaust” by Darkthrone, “Storm Of The Light's Bane” by Dissection, “Frost” by Enslaved, “Epic (The Poetry Of War)” by Kataklysm, “Om” by Negură Bunget, “The Shadowthrone” by Satyricon, “Impressions in Blood” by Vader and “Forever Underground” by Vital Remains.

(Kate and Kat with Napalm Death-guys after their awesome show in Uzhhorod/Ungvár, I.23.2009)

Ultimate books of all time?

- First of all I would name the Poetic Edda, then go ”The Chronicles of Amber” written by Roger Zelazny, Goethe’s ”Faust”, all the fairy tales by the Grimm brothers, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”  by Ken Kesey and of course every masterpiece written by Edgar Poe. 

Ultimate movies of all time?

- I’m not really into films but here I’d like to distinguish all those masterly works of Alfred Hitchcock, these are “The Birds”, “Psycho” and others.

(our botanical garden, photo was taken by my Kate, 10.VI.2009)

Ultimate personalities of all time?

- Vlad Țepeș, Hammurapi, Alexander the Great, Egil Skallagrimmson.

Is there a life-philosophy or religion which stays close to you? 

- Actually there is no but on my way up I try to follow the words of Alexander the Great,
”There is nothing impossible for him who will try.”

Botanical Garden, 10.VI.2009, Castrum Ungh

What is your opinion on illegal music downloads?

- It causes no problems for bands like Metallica, but because of this a number of bands and phenomenal musicians are facing “extinction”. They have to give up playing music due to the lack of financing. Thus we’re losing talented people. This is simply a kick in the face of the Underground. 

Favorite food and drink? 

- Pizza and beer.

Favorite writer?

- Roger Zelazny, Oscar Wilde and John Fowles.

Favorite actor and actress?

- I have no as I’m not really interested in cinema and theatre. 

If you would be 16 years old with such experience, what would you start to do with your life?

- I think I’d try to be more organized and maybe started my own Metal Zine.

What future would you predict for humanity?

- The whole human race will be eradicated by itself. I don’t think the situation will improve in the future. The ancient Romans used to say, “Homo homini monstrum”, which means “People are beasts to each other”.

If there would be a question to yourself (that in your opinion was missed from the questions), what would be that? (Please answer it!)

- In what century would you like to live?
Either in the 15-th or in the 16-th.

(Castrum Ungh (Uzhhorod/Ungvár), picture was taken by Her, 22.IX.2009)

Kate and me, 22.IX.2009, Castrum Ungh

Original Hungarian source:

Rock-Ness Metal Shop in Debrecen/Hungary:

Links from Castrum Ungh: 


UzhGoreRot Festival:

Death Metal Assault:


27.02.2010 .- Death Metal Assault XX @ Amphitheatre, Uzhhorod/Ungvár (Ukraine)

In Memory of Kate "Outsider" Szíjártó (07.V.1987 - 21.01.2010 R.I.P.) : 

Castrum:The Essence of the Past  
(Kate Odinsbarn June 15th, 2008)

CASTRUM’s “The Essence of the Past” DVD was compiled by Cornelius from old archive shows and released in December 2007. The DVD is divided into three parts, these are: Scenery, Visionary and Imagery.
Scenery contains 3 live shows: live @ Animation Fest '96 (Beregovo, Ukraine), two live gigs @ Kathedra, both took place in 1997 in Uzhgorod, Ukraine. There is also a bonus live show from Hust, Ukraine in 1998. These live gigs are a backward look at the Transcarpathian metal scene anno 1996-1998. A very good way to compare the band as well as their fans with today’s situation. Those who had no opportunity to check out Castrum live 10 years ago can at least get an idea about what the band sounded and looked like.
The Visionary part contains three official video clips: “Tears of Eternal Expiation”, “Gilles de Rais (Le bon Sire)”, “Calvary Grandier”. By the way, these tracks are taken from “Pleasure in the Deeds of Horror” demo tape which was released in 1996. Unfortunately, these tracks haven’t been played live lately so young fans haven’t got a slightest idea about these great creations of Castrum.
Imagery features a photo gallery slide show of archive photos dating 1995-1998. You can have a look at the former members of Castrum and see the way Cornelius has changed during the past decade. 
One can also find all the demos the band has released including “Burial of the Affection” (rehearsal 1996), “Flames by Impiety” (demo 1996), “Pleasure in the Deeds of Horror” (demo 1996) and two rehearsals of 1997 and 1999 respectively. 
Have you ever heard of Chamos? It’s Castrum’s side-project with the same line-up. The guys experimented with Black metal and this way the “Hellish Reveries” demo appeared in 1997. The demo consisting of two tracks can also be found here.
This self-released DVD with such a splendid design will attract everyone. And your PC will be grateful as well for the DVD contains wallpapers for your desktop. All in all, this is when the dream of every single Castrum fan comes true! It’s the history of Castrum, the band’s development step by step. Note, those who don’t know the past, won’t have the future. Get “The Essence of the Past” or die in ignorance! Long live Death metal!!!

Chamos:  Hellish Reveries (rehersal demo1997) 

Dependents of Lucifer : 


И вот опять она пришла
Печаль и боль мне принесла...
И каждый новый день - тоска,
И это все ее рука...

Она приносит жизнь и цвет, 
Но для меня утехи нет.
Я помню друга, что любил весну,
Теперь и я в ее плену.

Она напоминает мне от том,
Что все уснем мы вечным сном,
А тот кто был любим, теперь
Закрыл уж за собою дверь.

(*Poem  has written by Her best friend Kat, 13.IV.2012)

2024. június 22., szombat

Bob Bagchus (20.II.2013)

 Interview with Bob Bagchus (20.II.2013)

(Questions compiled by 

Cornelius of Encomium and Georgius)

Hail to thee Bob! In 2007 ASPHYX was re-united again and since that time you delivered a lot of awesome stuff to the real Death/Doom Metal maniacs. How do estimate this passed time after your reunion? 

 - Hail there! Well, things are going good for us since the reunion. We did lots of cool shows/festivals, did brutal releases and caught up with old scene friends, which is awesome too!

After the "Live Death Doom" DVD Alwin Zuur replaced Wannes Gubbels on bass. What happened to Wannes? Can you share with us some info about his actual musical activity?

- We had different opinions so we decided to part ways. That was better for ASPHYX and better for Wannes. It was not easy, but it has become a fact. But we still talk and there is no bad blood, luckily. Wannes is a great guy with a great heart for metal. He and PENTACLE just did a split EP.

Last year you crushed us with a brilliant album called "Deathhammer". This one had a lot of good reviews worldwide and you also made a killer video clip for the album's title track. Tell us please about the circumstances of the clip-making.

- Yes, "Deathhammer" really did hit the nail on the head for sure! Well, the videoclip, it was shot in our rehearsalplace and was filmed and edited by Maurice from LEGION OF THE DAMNED who is a long time friend of ours. The clip came out good although I hate making videoclips a lot! I prefer liveclips. But Maurice did a great job and that all in 2 days! 

(Asphyx-signatures with a kind dedication by Martin van Drunen, the signatures brought for me Andrey Misanthrope in June, this year-GF)  

It's really great to see, your good old mate, Eric Daniels' return to Death/Doom Metal again with the debut album of GRAND SUPREME BLOOD COURT and surely with an impressive line-up. As "Deathhammer" this album had and has a plenty of positive reviews as well. What do you think when will you continue to write new tracks for GRAND SUPREME BLOOD COURT?

- Yes, it's good to see my best buddy Eric returning to the metal again, for sure. Yes, we will be writing new material for GRAND SUPREME BLOOD COURT, but not now since the debut just came out. ASPHYX is the next band, we are focusing on for 2014. With GRAND SUPREME BLOOD COURT it was a matter of very short rehearsing and just go into the studio and record the stuff! It came out very good, spontaneous and brutal.

How was the reception of fans at your first live-show with GRAND SUPREME BLOOD COURT? Will you think about the release of a live DVD in the near future?

- That was very cool. The show was in the South of Germany. Unfortunately, MOTÖRHEAD was playing in the area with ANTHRAX, so there were only 250 people at our show, haha! But it was great nevertheless! Great response there and loud as hell. I don't know if GSBC will release a live DVD, but it should be cool anyway. Time will tell.

You played drums in EVOKER together with Theo Loomans (R.I.P.) and also in THRONE in the 90s. Tell us shortly about this period!

- Yes indeed. EVOKER was a total HELLHAMMER/BATHORY tribute, were we also covered "Massacra" from HELLHAMMER on that reh/demo. We also did BATHORY's "Born For Burning", but that was not recorded. Both Theo (RIP) and me were very serious with it, but ASPHYX was the main band, of course. THRONE was a project from A.J. van Drenth (BEYOND BELIEF) and me. We did "The Ultimate Blasphemy" demo in 1995. THRONE was inspired by old MESSIAH/BATHORY/CELTIC FROST. It was cool to do. We still have contact.

What releases were your favorites out of the 2012 year?

- Hmmm, DESASTER - "The Arts of Destruction" and the SERPENTINE PATH debut.

What is your opinion about the Dutch Death/Doom Metal scene nowadays? Any recommendations?

- Our scene is very strong yet again with great new bands such as BODYFARM, NAILGUN MASSACRE, ENTRAPMENT, FUNERAL WHORE, EXTREME COLD WINTER, GRAND SUPREME BLOOD COURT, HAIL OF BULLETS, and the oldies such as SINISTER, ACROSTICHON and of course ASPHYX. It is a healthy scene.

Do you like to watch Formula-1? If yes which racing-driver(s) do you prefer?

- Yes, I am addicted to Formula 1. I also go to races with my wife as well and take my kids to the free practice on Friday. I love the enormous speeds and the ultra brutal sound from the cars. Louder than anything else! I used to prefer Mika Häkkinnen (my youngest son is named after him), also because he drove for McLaren-Mercedes, then after him it was Kimi Raikkönen and now it is Lewis Hamilton. But I am a teamman and not a driverman. I always was fan of McLaren-Mercedes, but since Mercedes has its own team now I support them since I am a fan of their streetcars.

Do you have any favorite movies? Tell us a little bit about your hobbies.

- Yes, I'm a huge horrorfan and with horror I mean the late 70's and 80's kind of horror. My favorite movies are Evil Dead, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre part 1, Zombie Flesheaters, Phenomena, House by the Cemetary, The Beyond, Tenebrae, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, New York Ripper, City of the Living Dead, Intruder, all Friday the 13th 'til part 8, Last House on the Left, etc. My hobbies are Formula 1 and horror movies and take a long walk in the woods with my 2 sons, enjoy the nature and do some fishing in the rivers here with them.

Do you plan some extensive European tour with ASPHYX for the near future? Would be really great to witness live the obscure Death/Doom power for example in Ukraine!

- No, ASPHYX does not do any tours anymore. We did 2 great tours in the past, 1991 with ENTOMBED and in 1992 with BOLT THROWER and BENEDICTION. Today the day we only do single shows and sometimes 2 in a row, or 3 like Extreme Fest last year with EXODUS and SUFFOCATION, but that's about it. But as a matter of fact, our booker from TMR Promotion was talking about a possible ASPHYX show in the Ukraine indeed. So we might do there a show in the future. I really hope so!!

Bedankt Bob, wishing you all the best with ASPHYX and GRAND SUPREME BLOOD COURT! As Grand Magistrate Bagchus please send a message to the readers of Encomium...

Ah, you know a little bit Dutch, eh? Great! So I say "Geen dank,graag gedaan". To all readers of Encomium, thanx for support, keep supporting and hopefully see you in the Ukraine sometime!  

(Bob's letter his 'Godlist'  and signature 06.XII.1996 -GF)

2024. május 27., hétfő

Jonas Kjellgren (Nekrodawn)

 Interview with Jonas Kjellgren

(Nekrodawn, Ironmaster, Bourbon Boys,

Roadhouse Diet)

Johan Jansson – bass & backup vocals, Jonas Kjellgren - vocals & guitar
Mika Lagreen - guitar, Henrik Axelsson – Drums
(Band photo by Paula Hirseland)

Band logo by Nectrium Art

Hail Jonas welcome to my own hell, Archangel’s Lantern! Introduce Nekrodawn-line up first, please (we saw Henrik, Mika and Johan live in Košice/Slovakia on 16th October 2014 as with Castrum bass-player Victor we had a trip to see unforgettable for us Implode/Grave/Entombed A.D.-show 😊) 

JK: Hello Georgius, thanks for the invite, it's a real honor to do this interview with you. I bet that show with Entombed A.D., Grave and Implode was a killer one. About the band lineup I do the vocals and play guitar, I'm mostly a guitarist but I also can do some vocals and this is really the first time for me that I do proper Death metal vocals or whatever. It would have been nice to have another vocalist but I don't know of that many that are available so I figured I will just give a shot and it works kind of . And then we have the drummer, killer drummer Henrik Axelsson that you might know from the band Implode that you saw there on that concert and he also played drums for The Crown for quite a few years and then now he's drummer of Hypocrisy and also Nekrodawn as you might know.

my ticket, and plectrums from:
Victor Danling (Implode), Tobias Crstiansson (Grave) and Johan Jansson (Interment/Entombed A.D.-live -GF

And then on bass Johan Jansson also an old friend of mine we played  in many bands together over the years. We met in the early 90s we are from the same town Avesta. So he plays bass also he does some killer old school backing vocals. I really like his voice he is  like yeah really good. 

Victor of Castrum, Johan Jansson and me, Košice, 16.10.2014)

 Plectrums of Tobias Cristiansson (Grave) and Johan Jansson (Interment/
Entombed A.D.-live) + Ola Lindgren signature -GF

Victor, bass-player of Castrum and Ola

And then we have Mika Lagrén also an old friend I met him in the late 90s maybe since I recorded his old band Facebreaker. I think I did three albums with them or four and then we have stayed in contact over the years just as friends you know and then I figured we need another guitar player as well you can't just have one guitar player in our kind of music, especially for live work but also in studio much fuller sounding with two guitars, so he was our first pick and he wanted to be in this band because I think he also felt that it is basically just a band of brothers or whatever, so that's that.

Grave - Christi(ns)anity (Live in Košice, 16.10.2014)

How do you describe style of Nekrodawn? (Because your horde sounds a bit differently than old school SweDeath)

JK: Well about the style of Nekrodawn it's not supposed to be old school Swedish Death metal but since we are quite not young guys when we try to do something I think it will be kind of old school because of our influences and stuff like that but when starting to make 
this album it never crossed my mind that it should be old school or anything like that I mean basically it's like a mix between maybe Bolt Thrower and I don't know Death, Unleashed..  a bunch o bands.. Mortician is a favorite.. yeah Demilich from Finland I think they were like the spark for this band I wanted to have something a bit more in that way and also a bunch other Finnish bands but yeah so it doesn't sound like Entombed or stuff like that. They are great bands, of course I like old school Swedish Death metal but Nekrodawn is not sounding so much like that. But we don't sound like more than Death metal at all: it will not be possible, we are too old 😀

Grave - Deformed (Live in Košice, 16.10.2014)

I’m so thankful for your awesome promo-package you sent me, (I really enjoyed every track, every moment of that very massive, brutal debut) and of course I gave it a 10 in my Hungarian review. Tell me in short about songwriting and lyrical concept and some thought about album-cover.

Album cover by Nun Ehf

JK: huge thanks for that 10 out of 10 in the review it's quite insane it's very very nice, I'm so happy that you like the album and it's quite unreal I don't know it's for me for me nothing special it's .. but I'm happy you enjoy it, thank you so much. 
Let's see about the lyrics: well it's just basically regular Death metal lyrics you know it's about dark stuff  and I don't know if you read the lyrics I'm sure you can find your own interpretation of the meaning behind the lyrics. Yeah, something like that other than the songwriting process is just the regular you know: you do some riffs and you throw it together and if it sounds too nice you redo it: you should not to be circus music. But yeah I think that's it and about the album cover: I tried a few ones, there were okay but it did not fit the title perfect then I looked online and searched for some covers and I found the one we have now: it was made by a guy called Nun Ehf and he has a website with different covers that are already done you could just look at them and choose one and we show this one we have now. I think it's killer.

You unleashed two brilliant singles in January (‘Origin of Terror’) and in March (‘Sacred Termination’)  I must say both of them are killer releases! Share some thoughts about the creation of these singles. Do you plan to release a new one(s)? 

JK: Yes 'Origin of Terror' was the first single, it's a bit faster song so thought that could be a good introduction to the band but it's we do a mix of fast and the heavier songs, so the second single 'Sacred Termination' I think those two songs represent the band  quite well. And I don't think we will release any more singles from this album but we have already started  to work on our next album so we will probably release some singles from that album this Autumn hopefully. 

Nekrodawn: ‘Sculpted By Torture’ will be unleashed via Swedish label ‘Legions of Bane on 30th of May. How did happen your hellish alliance with them? 

JK: Yeah it sounds fancy as hell with the Legions Of Bane but it's just me: I have a registered music company that can release music  and it has been called Mojoholic Records I mostly released some Rock 'n Roll on that label but the first Ironmaster I released on Mojoholic Records also but I thought I needed a cooler name so I changed the name to Legions Of Bane so basically no one to sign us 😀 so we had to release it ourselves we see how it goes with the next album but I think it's quite fun also to release albums yourself: it's a lot of work of course but yeah I don't know it's okay. 

Do you have any plans for any live shows this year? 

JK: Yes we do have some plans for live shows this Autumn: we have one gig booked only so far but  hopefully there will be more: only in Sweden so far but it will be great to go around Europe and do some shows hopefully we can come and do a show nearby you sometime soon. 

Grave - Now and Forever (Live in Košice,, 16.10.2014)

 You are the owner of Black Lounge Studios where you recorded, mixed and mastered your debut. When did you start with your own studio? Name me some bands you worked with there.

JK: Yes, yes, I am. I have been doing it professionally or whatever, it has been my job since 1999 but I started recording other bands in 1994 and some bands I have worked with I don't know what to say about that: a lot of bands and they are all my favorites so I cannot choose like this is my favorite bands but some bigger names I mean it would be like Overkill, Immortal, Possessed, Discharged but that was just me mastering their albums, I did not mix them Peter Tägtgren did. But I produced albums with One man Army, cool band, I mixed I don't know you can look it up on the internet if you are very interested 😀

You are playing in another excellent Death metal horde, called Ironmaster. Enlighten your activity in that band as well, please.

JK: Yeah well, Ironmaster was just like the first metal I did in years I've had a break from metal and Death metal for maybe almost 10 years then I just felt like doing something different and I started writing some songs and I sent to Janne the drummer and Robert the vocalist and they agreed to join the band and now we have released two albums and we have a third one that's almost finished: we just need some vocals on it. just some vocals yeah, but it will be done at least this year, hopefully in a couple of months. 

You Swedes are the masters in Europe if I’m talking about your tons of bands where you are involved 😊 Let’s talk about Bourbon Boys, I liked a lot what I listened to from you today 😊 

JK: Well Bourbon Boys is actually Pär Hulkoff from Raubtier, it's basically his band  he started it all by himself along time before I joined and I joined in 2011 I think and then we recorded we recorded two albums that were both albums were released  at least in 2012 I think and we did some live shows and stuff like that. Yeah what kind of music is it: Sorry, it's a Country Rock  or something Outlaw Country, it's quite brutal for being Country he has a really great brutal voice, it's really special and we did a new album this year I think, yes, and we will do some shows with that it: it's quite fun, you should check it out! 

What should I know about Roadhouse Diet band? 

JK: Roadhouse Diet I started in 2013 maybe, like some ZZ Top Rock 'n' Roll band, it was me and Peter Tägtgren, we did one album together, and the we did two more albums with Kudden, another great drummer, and Kennet and Johan and the later it was Martin who played guitar but we have had break  since the Covid-shit cos then we just released an album and we were thinking we will go on tour and what not then that whole shit-show happened and then our bass-player quit and we haven't recovered ever since so it's on a hiatus but we will be back! 

Which LPs are your favorite ones so far this year? And which ones are you wait eagerly in 2024? 

-JK: Well I must say I really enjoy the new Vltimas album and also the new New Deicide and Necrophobic has just released a new album which, I think is killer. I have listen to a lot of new albums this year also but  I don't want to tell more than that  because they were not my favorites but these three were my favorites. 

a kind letter from Anders Strokirk of Necrophic 

I started my blog in 2013 by the inspiration of a Dear friend of mine, who gave me the bane and logo concept. At first, I dedicated to Eternal Memory of Jon Andreas Nödtveidt (R.I.C.) and my Dear bride Kate (1987-2010 R.I.P.) but when I was informed about departure of Lars-Göran Petrov (R.I.P.) I dedicated to him as well. 

signature of Lars-Göran Petrov (R.I.P.) 

Entombed A.D. - I For An Eye  (Live in Košice, 16.10.2014)

Entombed A.D. - Living Dead(Live in Košice, 16.10.2014)

Did you share stages with Dissection and Entombed with your past bands back in the day? 

Entombed A.D. - Eyemaster  (Live in Košice, 16.10.2014)

What are your most preferred tracks and albums from heritage of Jon and Lars-Göran? 

JK: L-G's death was a huge blow to the metal community I think. He was like the Lemmy of Death metal or I would say he was really nice guy I met him  a few times and I think we did not some shows but we played on the same festivals a lot of times and he was always super nice and real funny guy.

Lars-Göran (R.I.P.), Victor of Castrum and me 
after the Entombed A.D.-show

Lars-Göran (R.I.P.) and Victor of Castrum

Lars-Göran (R.I.P.)  and me

our humble gift to Lars-Göran 
JK: I must say my favorite Entombed album I think it's they are all my favorite albums they all very good albums but I have to say the 'Left Hand Path' because it's such a milestone in the history of Death metal.
signature of Lars Göran (R.I.P.) and a kind letter of Tomas Skogsberg 
and my old tape -GF

Entombed A.D. - Wolverine Blues 
(Live in Košice, 16.10.2014)

Lars-Göran-G (R.I.P.)  in Košice, 16.10.2014
photo credit: Pavel Bondar' 

Entombed A.D. - Out Of Hand, (Live in Košice, 16.10.2014)

JK: Dissection: I have not shared stage with them. I have listen a little bit to Dissection, not that much I don't know it's more Black metal but I really like the 'Storm of the Light's Bane' and Jon was such a great musician and vocalist and lyric-writer and like I would say a total genius but I never met him so I don't know... it's really sorry such a loss also that he is gone I think he would have accomplished a lot more with his music and released many albums good ones so that sad. 

Cornelius of Castrum/Encomium, Jon Andreas Nödtveidt (R.I.C.) and me.
Budapest A38-ship, 10.VI.2005.

I’ve never been in Sweden so far unfortunately. What interesting places could you recommend me to visit? 

JK: You better come to Sweden soon! It's one of the best countries is in the world I think cos I don't know what to see.. it depends I mean you can just go to Stockholm and visit the old town and the Royal Castle and stuff otherwise I think every part of Sweden have its special little nuggets you can go and look at go anywhere it would be my best bet. You will always see some cool stuff but yeah around where I live there's a lot of old copper mines and stuff like that: It could be cool to visit and I don't know maybe some train museum if you're into trains that could be cool 😀

What kind of food and local Swedish drinks would you recommend  or me to try ? 

JK: Typical Swedish foods SURSTRÖMMING: it's basically rotten fish you could  try that it's quite tasty  and Swedish drinks recommendations: PRIPPS BLÅ,  it's the best beer in the world !  PRIPPS BLÅ: it's a blue can it's classy as hell: 

And also if you drink some vodka maybe what is it called the one with a ship on Explorer that's a classic! 

Tack så mycket Jonas, I’m so honored to have had you in my humble blog, my best wishes to you and your activity in music. Send your message please to the readers of Archangel’s Lantern in the end.

JK: Thank you Georgius it was really nice interview to do and if I have a message for the readers of  Archangel's Lantern yeah please follow his blog and his other pages and stuff like that. If you have a time over in your busy schedule you can listen to some Nekrodawn.
Thank you, Goodbye, Cheers! 

Important links: 
